Ready To Double Your Confidence, Self- Esteem and Self-Love ?

Curves of Confidence Course - 10X Your Confidence Irrespective Of Your Body Shape!

Your 'Self-Worth' isn't determined by your size, skin color or the number on the scale.

Heal body insecurities and create lasting Confidence & Self-Love using my Curves of Confidence Framework.



Heal body insecurities and create lasting Confidence & Self-Love using my Curves of Confidence Framework.

Heal body insecurities and create lasting Confidence & Self-Love using my Curves of Confidence Framework.

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Hello there, Let me guess, you're here because you hate your body you're in or skin color god gave you and you just are not able to shake off the negative thoughts you keep telling yourself about your physical appearance, right?

Mostly you have thoughts like - "I'm so fat and I won't be happy until I lose weight" or "I don't like my skin color, why god made me like this?".

If you are nodding along and thinking "Yes that's me 🙁" then you're in the right place!

You are at the right place if you want to...

Feel comfortable in your body and

2. Deep Dive To Know The Real Problem

3. Overcome Your Fears & Insecurities

Unlock Bonuses Worth Rs 9,999/- For FREE

What you will learn ?

Overcome Overthinking and Negative Self-Talk. Learn how to stay calm and in the present moment when your mind does that continuous, unproductive and demotivating chatter which leaves you feeling unworthy and guilty of not being perfect spouse, parent, child, employee.

Heal your Emotional Wounds, past hurt and traumas and learn how to manage your emotions in matter of minutes. Imagine yourself becoming hurt-resistant and stress-proof amidst challenging situations that trigger you.

Build better Relationships with your loved ones and at work. Imagine yourself having that affectionate bond with your parents, siblings, spouse, kids and with yourself - wouldn't that lead to you giving your best, outshining and have beautiful relationships with people at work?

Learn how to achieve rock solid Confidence and build high self-esteem. Build courage to speak-up for yourself, say No, take charge of your life and become happy & fulfilled from within - not only from outside to show to the world how strong happy you are when actually you are suffering inside!

Unlock Bonuses Worth Rs 9,999/- For FREE

This course is "For YOU" ....​

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Register Now & Unlock Bonuses worth ₹9,999/- Absolutely FREE

Bonus 1

6 Hacks to Wear Your Confidence Cape

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Bonus 2

‘Beautiful Me’ Journal

Get This FREE Bonus On Whatsapp after Registration


Bonus 3

Measure Your Confidence Level During The Call

During Free LIVE Session with Mind Coach Monika


I know how it feels to look at your reflection and hate what you see staring back at you.

I know how it feels to blame all your life troubles and downfalls on the fact that you don't look good enough.

I know, because for so long, it was my reality. That's why I created my signature program "Curves Of Confidence", a 6 step proven framework to help women who struggle with their body image and low self-esteem and finally want to take back control of their negative thoughts, sky rocket their confidence, learn to handle criticism and become hurt resistant.

This is what I want for you too.

Learn my 6-step proven framework to overcome every problem that is stopping you from becoming your confident self. Many of my clients have re-written their stories using this framework.

1. Heal The Painful Past using NLP

2. Deep Dive To Know The Real Problem

3. Overcome Your Fears & Insecurities

4. Master Your Emotions and Become Hurt-Resistant

5. Heal Your Relationships with Yourself and Others

6. Take Charge of Your Life In Your Hands

Know Your Confidence Coach Monika Chawla

Monika Chawla | Confidence Coach

Hello there, I am Monika

I am a corporate professional with over 20 years of experience turned into a certified Confidence Coach and NLP Expert. Let me tell you how it all started –

Inspite of doing good in my job I always felt insecure  and underconfident in all areas of my life. I was tired of constant criticism and suggestions from everyone around telling me how much I should eat, what clothes to wear, not to speak much, speak politely, do home chores perfectly and only  when I become 50kgs I will be good enough not until then.. I did not realize when I made all these voice my own and started hating and criticizing the way I looked. This got into serious trouble – I used to feel SAD, UNDER CONFIDENT, ANXIOUS & IRRITATED most of the time. I isolated myself and avoided going out because I thought that everyone is judging me and will only criticize me for being weight 

I stayed stuck, I ran from confrontations and challenges, I was afraid to put myself out there in meetings and ask for what I needed. I used to always put  needs of others before myself and thought Self-Love is SELFISH! I spent more of my time trying to please others – even when it made me feel miserable inside. I was obsessed with what other people thought of me, always needing validation and appreciation from others to prove that I was good enough.

Frankly those days are gone since a long time now!!

I took a long tiring path of studying Mindfulness, NLP Techniques, Chakra Healing and even Ayurveda and eventually became trained and certified in each of them as well as Life Coaching. I was blown away by the results!

Though nothing in my life changed – Except For ME

And I no longer had those constant feelings of being worthless and low confidence. I stopped worrying what other people thought of me because I’d learned how to find my true worth and validation from within. I was no longer afraid to put myself out there because I knew that even if I failed I’ll be fine – Coz now I believed in myself and that I will figure it out somehow.

I learnt how to change my relationship with discomfort, fear and everything outside of my control and realized that I can handle everything life throws at me.

That’s why Low Confidence, Fear of Criticism & Low Esteem no longer rule my life!!

Magical Results & Client Feedbacks

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    Will this session be confidential?

    Yes, all the life experiences and the details that you share with Monika are strictly confidential and will not be shared with anyone.

    You will get the zoom link via message in the WhatsApp before the call.

    Will the recordings of this call be shared?

    No, recordings will not be shared.

    What do I need to bring for the workshop?

    It is important to come with a open mindset, pen and notebook to take notes and a water bottle.

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