An Experiential Masterclass for Working Professionals & Business Owners!

Free Yourself From

Stress & Self-Doubt

Become Confident &

Emotionally Smart

Feel calm & relaxed in first session itself

9th Feb @ 11 AM IST

This isn’t just another "Stress Relief" talk. It’s a Mind-Reset from:

How this Masterclass helps you Work Smarter & Connect Deeper

🚀 In Your Career:

❤️ In Your Relationships:

In this FREE Experential Masterclass, you will:

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Know Your Confidence Coach Monika Chawla

Monika Chawla | Confidence Coach

Hello there, I am Monika

I am a corporate professional with over 20 years of experience turned into a certified Confidence Coach and NLP Expert. Let me tell you how it all started –

Inspite of doing good in my job I always felt insecure  and underconfident in all areas of my life. I was tired of constant criticism and suggestions from everyone around telling me how much I should eat, what clothes to wear, not to speak much, speak politely, do home chores perfectly and only  when I become 50kgs I will be good enough not until then.. I did not realize when I made all these voice my own and started hating and criticizing the way I looked. This got into serious trouble – I used to feel SAD, UNDER CONFIDENT, ANXIOUS & IRRITATED most of the time. I isolated myself and avoided going out because I thought that everyone is judging me and will only criticize me for being weight 

I stayed stuck, I ran from confrontations and challenges, I was afraid to put myself out there in meetings and ask for what I needed. I used to always put  needs of others before myself and thought Self-Love is SELFISH! I spent more of my time trying to please others – even when it made me feel miserable inside. I was obsessed with what other people thought of me, always needing validation and appreciation from others to prove that I was good enough.

Frankly those days are gone since a long time now!!

I took a long tiring path of studying Mindfulness, NLP Techniques, Chakra Healing and even Ayurveda and eventually became trained and certified in each of them as well as Life Coaching. I was blown away by the results!

Though nothing in my life changed – Except For ME

And I no longer had those constant feelings of being worthless and low confidence. I stopped worrying what other people thought of me because I’d learned how to find my true worth and validation from within. I was no longer afraid to put myself out there because I knew that even if I failed I’ll be fine – Coz now I believed in myself and that I will figure it out somehow.

I learnt how to change my relationship with discomfort, fear and everything outside of my control and realized that I can handle everything life throws at me.

That’s why Low Confidence, Fear of Criticism & Low Esteem no longer rule my life!!

Magical Results & Client Feedbacks

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    Will this session be confidential?

    Yes, all the life experiences and the details that you share with Monika are strictly confidential and will not be shared with anyone.

    You will get the zoom link via message in the WhatsApp before the call.

    Will the recordings of this call be shared?

    No, recordings will not be shared.

    What do I need to bring for the workshop?

    It is important to come with a open mindset, pen and notebook to take notes and a water bottle.

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